Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Prozac Nation

     Elizabeth Wurtzel was right when she wrote about how we're all living in a prozac nation. America is all about the pharmaceuticals. Teens have the worst of it though. Adults at least can make their own decision on whether or not they want to get zonked out on antidepressants to make them forget how much they hate their jobs. Teenagers get forced and coerced by fed up parents to choke down mind numbing meds that are supposed to "cure" us.
     Can't focus? Take a pill. Feeling lost, hopeless, scared, confused, or stressed? Take a pill. Those ones aren't working you say? Don't worry we have thousands more we can test on you! - Since when is being a teenager a disease? There are some people who legitimately need something to take the edge off so they don't go postal, I know that. It just pisses me off that parents would rather ship their kids off to a psychiatrist than actually talk to them. It feels like they're trying to make us into obedient, medicated zombies that never challenge anything they say. My parents have tried to medicate me so many times and i always flat out refuse now. The one time i tried taking meds i felt like I may as well be dead. I couldn't feel ANYTHING!

Stupid Ass Highschooler Wannabes

Why is it that some freshmen seem to think that its cool to get into drugs as soon as they reach high school? Just FYI it doesn't earn you any respect or cred from the upperclassmen. We all just think you're idiots that have no idea what you are getting yourself into. Popping random pills that people give you is the STUPIDEST IDEA EVER! Also, walking around in booty shorts dragging on a cigarette does not make you a cool kid, it makes you a ho, we're all REALLY impressed by the way. Go put on some f**king clothes and be your own person, not some pretentious wannabe. If you're into art do your artwork. Likewise with music or any other hobbies you have. You'll get much more respect for being yourself than for trying to fit in to some stupid high school stereotype.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Teenage Angst

Sometimes I really just get fed up with well...everything. I try so hard in school, I try hard to make everyone around me happy, and for what?! Nothing ever gets much better. I always try to have hope for the future. I tell myself things will be better in a few years, but will they really? Things could get a whole lot better or a whole lot worse. All anyone can do is tough it out and see what happens, (There's other options, but not ones i would recommend). I'm just sick of seeing people that don't know how to treat others with compassion and respect! It pisses me off when people mistreat others. It pisses me off even more that I can't do much about it. I wish I could gather up all the other broken and abused people so we could all move to a place far away from the people who have hurt us.